Original Gifts & Present Ideas

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For men, fun Christmas presents come in the form of alcohol and they don’t hide that fact. It is not an easy time for women because Xmas gifts for men should always be enjoyable but not to the detriment of their health. It seems much better to buy him Christmas presents that last for a long time and do not have consequences such as hangovers and run-ins with the law. Yet surely, your man has a modicum of common sense and can enjoy a festive tipple without getting into trouble. Mr. Beer is a company that designs alcoholic beverages for home consumption and their range provides much-welcomed ideas that men will love. From homemade cider and beer to easy refills, Mr. Beer has fun presents for men down to a fine art.

Many men love to receive gifts of the alcoholic variety, they are always welcome, especially when they come in a range of different flavours. The Mr. Beer refill pack allows your man to enjoy up to 2 gallons of the beverage of their choice. Each pack contains everything you need for an easy top-up including hopped malt extract, Booster and sanitizing cleanser. There are a host of different beers to try including St. Patrick’s Irish Stout which rewards you with the taste of roasted barley and chocolate malts. This is a silky beverage with a full-bodied aroma and the perfect gift for enjoying in front of a warm fire on a cold night. Fun Christmas presents for guys don’t come much more obvious than alcohol.

Allowing your guy to make his own brew must be among the best gifts you can purchase at Christmas. In the UK, we have this idea that America doesn’t know how to create great beers. Yet one look at your local’s selection which will invariably contain American staples such as Miller, Coors and Budweiser suggest otherwise. Mr. Beer is actually an American company but they specialise in producing fun Christmas presents of the homemade alcohol variety. Their cider homebrew kit allows you to create cider from scratch. It comes with a fermenter, 8 one litre bottles which can be reused, 2 pint glasses, a hard cider mixture and a set of instructions so simple to follow that anyone can do it. Expect to make around 2 gallons of delicious cider. This is one of the best Xmas gifts for dads who like to experiment with new things and no longer enjoy queuing in busy pubs.

And that’s not all in terms of fun Christmas presents from Mr. Beer. They also have a pack that enables you to make beer from scratch. Like the homemade cider, the pack has the 2 gallon fermenter, brewing instructions and bottles. However, the homemade beer comes in two different flavours: Classic Blonde and Golden Lager. The Classic Blonde Ale is smooth and mild while the Golden Lager is full of hop flavour and really titillates the tongue. The kit enables you to make 2 gallons of each beer, that’s 16 pints in total. Presents that allows them to stock up on their own booze without having to rely on an off-licence’s opening hours will always be appreciated.

The Mr. Beer kits are among the top Xmas gifts for men and they prevent traditional brewing attempts which could be dangerous and normally taste awful. Mr. Beer’s products have received numerous thumbs-up from the discerning British public who finally understand that beers from abroad actually taste pretty good. Being able to quickly refill your glass is always convenient but nothing beats coming up with your own brew. You’ll almost feel like a pub landlord as you carefully mix the ingredients together despite the fact that virtually anybody could do it! Just make sure that the men in the house drink sensibly to ensure that these Mr. Beer kits are fun Christmas presents that bring joy and maybe a hangover or two!

It may be the season to be jolly, but the number of accidents that take place on the road soon take the fun out of Christmas. Unfortunately, when your other half opens the cool stuff for Christmas you bought him, other families will be coming to terms with their grief as the festive season hits them hard thanks to another road victim. This is why you need to ensure your man does not drink and drive. Despite all the adverts depicting the horrors of drink driving, an inordinate number of people still break the rules. Xmas gifts for boyfriends should have their road safety in mind which is why it is a great idea to buy them a breathalyser. Although the readings from these devices should not be taken as absolute by any means, they will give a reasonable indication of whether he is fit to drive.

The Digital Alcohol Breathalyser Tester is among the cool stuff for Christmas that will help keep someone safe. To activate the device, simply breathe into it for 5 seconds and a reading will appear. The digital display makes it easy to read. Incidentally, if you cannot read the display, you don’t need this device because you’re already drunk! This tester should be on all girlfriends’ list of presents to buy her boyfriend this year because it accurately reads his blood alcohol in increments of 0.01. This is in contrast to other breathalysers on the market that give vague and inaccurate readings. It is less than 10 cm long so it can easily be carried around. This gadget is proof that cool stuff for Christmas can also have safety in mind. With an LCD backlit screen, it is easy to read the results in the dark.

If you’re looking for presents to buy your boyfriend for less than £5, try the Alcohol Breath Tester Key-Ring. It works the same way as the digital version with 5 seconds of breathing into the device enough to give a reading. It is convenient due to its size though it does not give as accurate a reading as its digital counterpart. It measures alcohol consumption with three different levels on the screen: Below 0.02%, between 0.02%-0.05% and above 0.05%. This definitely enters the cool stuff for Christmas bracket and with the batteries lasting a full year, you are unlikely to ever be caught short when you need to test yourself. Even though it gives reasonably accurate readings, it is probably best to use it for fun rather than as a serious indication of whether you are fit to drive.

Continuing the Xmas gifts for boyfriends theme featuring breathalysers we have the Professional Digital Alcohol Sensor Breathalyser which is more expensive than the other two but also more accurate. Again, all it takes is 5 seconds to get a reading which comes up in 0.01 increments. This counts among the cool stuff for Christmas you will see online because it also has 5 reusable mouthpieces. This is perfect for those who get a bit squeamish if forced to share the one device. This breathalyser is better than its rivals because it has automatic fault checking and a microcomputer controlled automatic test sequence. When it is turned on, it only takes 10 seconds to be functional. Xmas gifts for boyfriends should be fun but also have his health in mind and this device will not only tell him if he is over the legal limit, it will also tell you if he is drinking too much in general.

Cool stuff for Christmas does not always have to be expensive, nor does it have to be cutting edge technology but in the case of a breathalyser, only the most accurate will do. However, even the most accurate online tester does not compare fully to police equipment which costs hundreds of pounds and gives consistently accurate readings. Have fun with these devices and make sure they are Xmas gifts for boyfriends that keep him on the straight and narrow.

Adverts for cool Christmas gifts are all over the television in the modern era. Sometimes they begin in July, counting down the days to the inevitable holiday season while the pressure of buying Christmas gifts for men hangs over you like the Sword of Damocles. Forget the television and High Street stores that attempt to put unwarranted strain on you. Focus on online shopping where Christmas gifts for men are infinitely easier to find, mainly because there is far more choice. Although online advertising can be as annoying as its television equivalent, it doesn’t seem as invasive, perhaps because a click of the mouse ends the torture.

Christmas Gifts For Men: Personalized Beer Mug

If you are looking for presents to buy for men who have everything, perhaps you should look for something simple. After all, there is little sense wasting money on expensive cool gadgets when he already has something similar. How about buying him something with a personalized touch like a beer mug? This might sound like a ridiculous idea when it comes to cool Christmas gifts but it is actually quite clever. A large proportion of men like beer and most guys have a favourite mug. So why not make sure his favourite beer mug has his name on it? These cool mugs have an old-school design with a sturdy handle and thick glass. You can place a variety of details on the mug such as the name of the recipient, the date received and the occasion. The best gifts for men usually have a personalised touch.

Cool Christmas Gifts: Living The Dream

As personalisation is key to cool Christmas presents, let’s take it a step further and help rekindle your friend’s dream of being a professional footballer. Anything related to the Beautiful Game constitutes the best Christmas gifts for men and a personalized framed football magazine front cover is a terrific way of making fun of his dubious football skills while putting a smile on his face. The frame contains a picture of a top Premiership manager holding a jersey of his team with his name on it. The headline suggests that your friend is heading for greatness with that football team. This is among the best Christmas gifts for men because it allows your friend to keep dreaming, even though the closest he will ever get to the team is when he cheers from the stands.

Cool Christmas Gifts: Old Style Music

If you are looking for a unique Christmas present then look no further than the 1930 styled 6-in-1 Music Centre. This may be the emperor of amazing presents as it is a classic gramophone that can play discs such as 33s, 45s and 78s. This enables you to listen to all-time greats like Elvis Presley on the original format where he first made his name. The Music Centre also contains a perfectly functioning AM/FM radio. If you want to listen to clearer sounds, it also has a cassette track and CD player. What brings this to the level of one of the great Christmas gifts for men is the fact you can record your favourite music on to your computer thanks to the USB connection included. However, this Music Centre should be used for nostalgic purposes. For lovers of music, there is no greater joy that putting the needle on the disc and being transported back in time.

Cool Christmas gifts are everywhere, it is just a question of getting online and looking. It is so much easier than 10 years ago when Christmas shopping involves lots of leg work and imagination which was hard in dull stores. Online shopping has Christmas gifts for men that you have probably never even dreamt of. It is like being in a store that is 1,000 square miles that contains every gift on the planet and all you have to do is think of a category and you will be transported there. Online shopping makes Christmas fun and that’s what the festive season is all about.

Cool Christmas gift ideas like a remote controlled helicopter are far removed from run of the mill presents. Traditional Xmas gifts just don’t cut it anymore. There is nothing cool about a knitted jumper with horrible colours and a dreadful design. Wouldn’t it be nice to receive a gift straight out of leftfield? You can begin the process by thinking of strange and unusual presents. Besides a remote controlled helicopter which might be considered an unusual gift for an adult, look for weird and wonderful gifts such as a Canine Treadmill. Rather than buy the usual boring shower related stuff, consider a Japanese style steel bathtub for an unforgettable bathing experience.

Cool Christmas Gift Ideas: No Walk In The Park

If you’re looking for really fantastic gift idea this Christmas, how about a Canine Treadmill? If you know someone who owns a dog and is too lazy bring them for a walk, not able to walk the dog because of bad weather, or cannot walk the dog due to an injury, this treadmill really is on top of the list of good Christmas gift ideas. The Canine Treadmill is basically a mini-version of machines you see in gyms with the belt designed to be soft so as to avoid damaging the dog’s paws. There are also special side rails to ensure the dog does not wander off. The controls are simple to operate and can dictate the speed, distance and incline. There are a variety of different treadmills to suit dogs of all breeds and sizes. For example, it is possible to purchase treadmills for dogs weighing 60 pounds (approx. 27 kilos) and 100 pounds (approx. 45 kilos). If this seems strange remember, cool Christmas gift ideas are rarely normal!

Cool Christmas Gift Ideas: A Bath To Remember

Another one of the unusual but brilliant present ideas you can opt for is a Stainless Steel Ofuro. This is a giant steel tub used by the Japanese to soak their bodies. Theirs is a bathing ritual designed to bring peace and relaxation and with your own Ofuro, you too can become serene and calm. This is built from stainless steel with 18 air jets built in which massage and soothe the muscles, ideal after a hard day at work. There are three settings in total and the walls’ insulation ensure that heat is retained in the tub. It also does not even take up as much space as it sounds. As this is a specialised tub, you will need to have special plumbing inserted but this an astonishing if extravagant present. Nonetheless, cool Christmas gift ideas don’t come more unusual or luxurious.

Cool Christmas Gift Ideas: Remote Controlled Helicopter

Presents come in all shapes and sizes and this is proved by the enduring popularity of the remote controlled helicopter. Size really doesn’t matter when it comes to fun and this is clear when you try the Gyro Remote Controlled Helicopter on for size. Although it is just 11 cm long, and is the world’s small remote controlled helicopter of its kind, it offers fun for all ages. There are dozens of remote controlled helicopters on the market but the Gyro is like nothing you’ve ever seen. It can be controlled in every single direction. In fact, you’ll be so astonished by how easy it handles that you’ll wonder if your eyes are deceiving you! With 8 minutes of flight time possible from a 25 minute charge, the Gyro Remote Controlled Helicopter is one of those cool Christmas gifts that will last for a long time.

Cool Christmas gift ideas are really only limited by your imagination. With tens of thousands of choices, you have no excuse not to find Christmas presents that are tailor made for the recipient. Forget about the usual yawn-inducing gifts, come up with something that will really open their eyes. Begin with a remote controlled helicopter and build from there.

When we hear the term ‘advanced’, we are automatically sceptical. Whether we are receiving an advanced Projection Clock, advanced Robot Vacuum Cleaner or advanced Massage Chair with heat, it seems like the manufacturer is taking advantage of us. All the top Christmas presents this year appear to be ‘advanced’ in some way, shape or form. We wonder if an advanced Projection Clock is really all it is cracked up to be? After all, how come manufacturers couldn’t make these models before? We have every right to be cynical when it comes to antics of some companies who have scant regard for their customers. Their idea of ‘advanced’ entails adding a coat of paint and an extra £100. However, some online shops do have genuinely great equipment that just happen to carry the ‘advanced’ tag.

The Advanced Robot Vacuum Cleaner is shaping up to be one of the top Christmas presents this year. It is certainly at the top of a housewives list. This cleaner takes all the effort out of vacuuming. It comes with its own charging station and once it is programmed, it takes off automatically and cleans the areas of the house you deem necessary. It has an infra-red signal that helps it get back to its station when it is low on batteries. You can set to it work by programming the times you want it to operate. Once you have achieved this, your work is done. The Advanced Robot Vacuum Cleaner starts and finishes by itself. Its optical sensors ensure it will never fall from a height or get trapped in a corner. It does not need a bag and has a large capacity of 1 litre. Thousands of customers agree that this is the best vacuum on the market.

Another one of the top Christmas presents this year is sure to be Homedics Shiatsu Massager which is now available in an advanced model. Despite the tag, this massage chair is actually quite inexpensive and can be purchased for as little as £120. It has a soothing heat option which is one of its many advances. It helps to ease stress and is almost like having a massage therapist right in your home. It has a 2 in 1 back and neck massager with heat and a special heated shoulder massage. Its rolling mechanism really irons out those knots of stress. The Homedics Shiatsu Massager is one of the top Christmas presents 2011 and thoroughly deserves to be seen as advanced because it is so far ahead of just about every similar model on the market.

There is no doubt that the advanced Projection Clock is among the top Christmas presents. One problem with it is that it may ‘advance’ your laziness. Because it can project the readings on its screen in giant form on the ceiling or wall, there is no need to strain yourself in a bid to reach your bedside table. In fact, you may be tempted to stay in bed if the advanced Projection Clock gives you bad weather news. It accurately reads weather conditions, pressure and temperature in your local area. There are even graphs which allow you to study atmospheric pressure in greater detail (if that’s your sort of thing). The advanced Projection Clock means you can read the time and weather at night by just opening your eyes and you will never have to listen to another weather forecast if you don’t want to.

The top Christmas presents 2011 described above all deserve to be called advanced models because they are high quality products with numerous exciting features and functions. The public’s ire is drawn towards companies that produce garbage, slap an ‘advanced’ tag on it and charge a small fortune. Those sort of products have nothing that suggests they are advanced. Stick with reputable online stores like Paramount Zone who feature useful gadgets like the advanced Projection Clock which is worthy of a lofty tag.

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