Hemingway once said that golf was a good walk spoiled but his words of wisdom have seemingly fallen on deaf ears with men’s Christmas presents often containing golfing paraphernalia. The popularity of golf is not a surprise considering the saturated television coverage with the exploits of men like Lee Westwood and Ian Poulter dominating the headlines. Men who receive golfing Christmas presents dream of emulating their heroes. Although the glory is one reason, the ludicrous amount of money received by professional golfers is certainly another incentive. One million dollar first prizes are becoming commonplace in golf so get your man some equipment and help him get to a professional standard! Women who are realistic however will simply buy Christmas presents relating to golf to make their man happy and ensure he is away for hours at the golf course while she can stay at home and relax!

Men’s Christmas presents should make their life easier and the Touchscreen Digital Golf Scorecard does just that. Part of the fun of golf is using a pencil and paper to record the increasingly high scores attained on the course. Yet this can be extremely irritating with lots of marks made on the paper when numbers are continually added up. A digital scorecard is one of the best Christmas gifts for men because it tracks the score stroke by stroke and accommodates up to four golfers. Instead of frustration, the digital scorecard imbues everyone with a sense of calm as they are safe in the knowledge that their scores will not be added incorrectly. Perhaps professional golfers should use this too considering a number of them have been disqualified for adding their scores wrong. Unfortunately, the digital scorecard is not a magic wand and cannot improve someone’s game. If you shoot 110, you’ll need Christmas gifts other than the scorecard to get better.

A Sports Radar Gun is one of the best Christmas presents for just about anyone that is interested in performance enhancement. This uses the same technology as sophisticated police radar devices and can accurately measure the speed of just about anything sports related. If you’re playing pool, you can measure how fast your break is. Football players can find out how fast their shots are and golf players can figure out the speed of their drive. The best Christmas presents will always help them improve in some way and the Sports Radar Gun can aid them. Guys who see their drive as the weak point in their game would do just about anything to drive the ball further. The Radar Gun could help them address this weakness and enable them to get more power in their tee shot.

Men’s gift ideas for gentlemen of a certain age should make their life easier. Perhaps they enjoy a round of golf but cannot deal with the strain that consistently bending down and picking up the ball brings. The Golf Butler is one of the best Christmas presents for aging golfers because it helps pick up the ball without you having to bend over. Simply place it on the grip of a club such as the putter and push the Golf Butler’s gripper over the ball. It will pick it up and help avoid excessive back strain. This is one of those perfect Christmas presents that helps enhance a person’s favourite activity. Use the Golf Butler to retrieve the ball from the hole, the sand or bushes.

Men’s Christmas presents relating to golf are everywhere and will make the game even more enjoyable. It is a sport that can relax a person after a stressful week so long as it is not taken seriously! It may seem like a leisurely stroll in the grass but it does require participants to exert a lot of energy. Allow him to continue enjoying the healthy sport he loves by purchasing golf themed Christmas presents of which there are hundreds online.