Original Gifts & Present Ideas

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Christmas presents for him should cater to the old adage: “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” Men love food and small privileges like having a cold beer on a warm day. Picnics are a great way to bring the family together and ensure your man still has everything he wants. Christmas present ideas for boyfriends such as a Coolbox will keep him happy while enjoying a romantic picnic. It is also a great idea to help him enjoy his favourite snacks and treats while at home or even in the office. This is achievable thanks to a mini fridge cooler and warmer. If your boyfriend is the environmentally friendly type, (and he should be) a Can Crusher is another one of the fantastic presents for him that will also help relieve stress.

There is nothing better than a fun family day out in a quiet park with a picnic hamper full of delicious treats. Christmas presents for him such as a Car Electric Coolbox will benefit you and the whole family because it keeps food cool, ensuring it doesn’t spoil when you are out and about. It is also one of the best Christmas present ideas because it gives him something to look forward to when the long and dull month of January draws out. The Coolbox has a 24 litre capacity which should be enough to feed even the most voracious appetites. Another reason why this is one of the best Christmas presents for men is because it comes with both mains and car adaptors. This means neither you nor he will have to pay extra for a plug that will ensure the Coolbox stays cool throughout the journey.

Another one of the top present ideas for boyfriends this Christmas is a Mini Fridge. Let’s face it, you are unlikely to find time to go on picnic jaunts very often but your man still has to eat. Christmas presents such as a Mini Fridge ensure that he is well fed even when you’re not around. It is one of the best Christmas presents for boyfriends because it has a 15 litre capacity, is small and can easily be installed in his office. This means he will never run out of food when working long hours. Just make sure you remind him to keep it filled up. It is also useful at home if the family fridge is not big enough to store his beer. Each mini fridge can hold up to 24 normal sized cans, enough for even the thirstiest man.

Once the aforementioned cans are consumed, it can be difficult to store them prior to recycling. Another one of your Christmas present ideas for the man in your life should be a Can Crusher. This will help him get rid of the cans, thus preventing you from having to do it. After all, if he is the one consuming the booze and having the fun, he should also be the one to safely remove and recycle the cans. The Can Crusher is one of the best presents for men that fulfils this purpose. It is a simple device that crushes a can in a second. Simply place the can in the machine, pull the lever and watch as the can is dramatically reduced in size. Wave bye-bye to the can and all the space it takes up.

At the end of the day, Christmas present ideas for boyfriend are not hard to find, especially if he has a love for food and drink like most of mankind. You can go online and find dozens of stores that will cater to his need for modern luxuries with devices and machines designed to make storage of food and disposal of the waste easier. Christmas presents for him that fill his belly will always be more welcome than items that force him to do something. Indulge his need to be lazy, just make sure he does not take advantage of it!

Christmas presents for men involving gadgets that seem silly to you is the way to go. We are all aware of the stereotypes: Men love gadgets like women love shopping. However, a high percentage of men and women you know probably adhere to these stereotypes which of course doesn’t really make them stereotypical! Therefore, Xmas presents for men of the gadget variety are just what the doctor ordered. Get them something to fiddle about with for a few hours and give yourself some time off. This may backfire when he spends half the day complaining about how he cannot get the gadget to work or else he wastes half of your day showing you the amazing capabilities of the gadget. This is especially infuriating because he acts like he is responsible for the gadget’s brilliance and you don’t particularly care.

Christmas presents for men that are gadgets don’t have to be all bad however. Exacto Pourers for example could help fix you a stiff drink after a day of listening to your man sound like Thomas Edison. It is a fact that more people in the UK and around the world are starting to drink more spirits at home thanks to the outrageous prices charged by bars. In fact, homes have their own mini-bars complete with optics and bottles of vodka and whiskey. If your house is like this, choose an Exacto Pourer as one of your Xmas presents for men. It is one of those Christmas presents ideas which can be used to monitor your drinking. It is far too easy to drink to excess when hand pouring spirits. With one of these measures, you will be able to take exact measurements and know precisely how much you have had to drink.

You should always look for Christmas presents that astound onlookers. People usually believe that gifts for men which are amazing cost a small fortune. The Levitating Pen With Base confounds this theory as it is only £5 but still causes momentary disbelief among those who see it for the first time. It is one of those Xmas presents that is beautiful to look at but also has a genuinely useful function. Pens are a massive pain because they get lost so often. However, this levitating pen will never go missing because it uses a magnetic field to hold the pen in place. This means you will not be missing a pen at a crucial moment nor will you spend fruitless minutes searching the back of the sofa for it. The chrome pen is also stunning and looks far more expensive than it is.

Another terrific gadget that should be high on your list of Christmas presents for men is a Battery Operated Corkscrew. Opening wine is a man’s job but invariably, he often messes it up. Wine production has increased exponentially but for every solid cork, there is a cheap one that could break off while the wine is being opened and ruin the vintage by falling into it. This is known as ‘corking’ and is the single biggest crime among the wine community. The Battery Operated Corkscrew ensures that you’ll never ‘cork’ another bottle of wine again. Simply press a button and watch the device open the wine in seconds. A second button press will see the device release itself from the cork. Drinking wine should be a pleasurable experience and not involve irritation from cheap corkscrews and corks.

Xmas presents for men don’t have to be spectacular if they are effective and look good. Don’t waste time and money looking for gadgets that don’t really have any practical use. After all, the whole purpose of a gadget should be to make life easier. Substance should always be chosen above style but the gadgets that have just been outlined have both. Go online now for Christmas presents for men that will amaze and amuse.

At least one of your Christmas ideas for boyfriend should be fun. Life is pretty serious most of the time so Christmas ideas for men need to look on the bright and light side of life. Of course you should purchase something of real practical use but sometimes it is nice to think of ideas for him that are just silly. Whether the present enables him to play a practical joke (hopefully not on you) or while away some time, it is necessary to cater to his fun side. After all, you don’t want to be known as the nagging girlfriend who takes everything seriously!

Christmas ideas for men should involve him feeling like king of the world. Imagine what it would feel like to be an instant millionaire? You could both quit those day jobs you hate, buy a house or disappear to a tropical paradise. Although the million pound note will help you do precisely none of these things, it is still good to dream. It is one of those Christmas gifts that will probably shock him for a moment or two. A few seconds will go by before he figures out that it is not real. Even though he will be disappointed, after a few minutes, he will start to think of ways in which he can have fun with this humble note. Perhaps he will go to a bank and attempt to lodge it, use it to pay for groceries or as a tip in a restaurant (Note: all of these pranks may get him in trouble).

How about the I’m As Big As height chart as one of your Christmas ideas for your man this year? At first glance, this seems like a regular chart for measuring your height. It does perform this function but it also has a wealth of information designed to satisfy curiosity. The chart measures up to 2 metres in height with each centimetre marked with a piece of information. This knowledge relates to the different sizes of various people, animals and miscellaneous items. Did you know that Pele, the world’s most famous footballer was 1.73 metres tall or that Napoleon, often claimed to be something of a dwarf was actually a respectable 1.69 metres? This is one of those Christmas ideas for men that will not lose its appeal as long as your guy has a thirst for knowledge. This will also help him impress his mates down the pub as well as seeing how he measures up against historical greats.

Ice trays would normally be considered among the most boring Christmas ideas unless it happens to be a bullet shaped trap. That’s right, the Frozen Bullet Ice Cube Tray is the last word in cool. Instead of the usual cube shaped ice blocks you place in your drinks, add some danger to proceedings by adding a bullet-shaped cube instead. If the mafia had thought of this, perhaps they wouldn’t need to put horse’s heads in people’s beds. A bullet ice cube would send out a subtle but deadly message. Of course, as host of a party you’re not inclined to threaten your guests but it is a fantastic way to get their attention. You can guarantee that the ice cube’s shape will not go unnoticed. To complete the illusion, the tray itself resembles an AK-47 magazine.

The above Christmas ideas for boyfriend are far more fun than the usual serious gifts that don’t manage to bring out a single smile. Christmas gift ideas should involve at least one funny present that helps indulge his silly side and show you are not adverse to having some fun and playing practical jokes. The festive season can be a long and laborious one if everyone is intent on playing it straight and choosing Christmas ideas for men devoid of inspiration or fun. No one likes watching the Queen’s speech in serious mode so liven things up with a silly yet fun present or two.

Christmas presents for her don’t always have to revolve around jewellery or beauty treatments. Sometimes, ladies just want to relax with a nice glass of Chardonnay or Merlot after a hard day’s work. The festive season will hopefully give the opportunity to rest up and there is nothing like wine to get you in a cheerful mood. There are a host of wine-related items available as gifts for her for Christmas. There is no doubt that wine has experienced a huge increase in its popularity in the last decade. Off-licences are reporting record wine sales as the fruity vintage seems to appeal to everyone’s palate. Red wine has also been proven to be good for your health when taken in moderation though your other half will need no prodding when a glass of delicious Cabernet Sauvignon is placed in front of her.

When thinking of wine-related Christmas gift ideas, you probably don’t realise the science behind wine. You merely purchase a few bottles as gifts for her in a bid to keep her occupied. In actual fact, there are devices you can buy which improve the wine’s taste enormously. Take the Decantus wine aerator for example. This is one of those gifts for her for Christmas that uses science to improve wine. In this instance, the Decantus oxygenates the wine. Rather than bore your girlfriend with the full detailed explanation including the effect of reduced pressure, simply allow her to enjoy one of your gifts for her for Christmas. The scientific details may cause a headache that should only occur as the result of a hangover. The Decantus is also in the shape of a classical Greek amphora which would be one of the best Christmas ideas for the woman in your life by itself.

Even amateur wine drinkers know that white wine must be chilled and red wine is best served at room temperature. Christmas presents for her with a wine theme don’t come much simpler than Chill Or Warm Wine Wraps. This gift comprises two wraps, one that should be frozen, the other which should be microwaved. The cold jacket should freeze in double quick time and can be added to a bottle of white wine to keep it nice and chilled. The warm jacket only needs 60 seconds in a microwave to be effective. This is a Christmas present that will be well received because it prevents her from having to get up and go to the fridge/kitchen for another glass. Keep the bottle of wine in the room with you, turn on some soothing music and let the mix of grapes, berries and caramel caress her tongue.

If you live near London, you could send your girlfriend on a wine course for one. This is a Christmas gift for her that will help her appreciate the art of winemaking that little bit more. Perhaps this new found knowledge will stop her from buying the first cheap bottle of plonk she sees in the local shop. The entire experience lasts for 6 hours and in that time, your girlfriend will sample 14 different wines as well as understanding winemaking techniques, discovering how wine can be an investment and knowing what wine to match with food. There will be an hour off for lunch during the day. If this gift for her for Christmas does not improve her wine knowledge, then nothing will. Just make sure you are on hand to pick her up when the wine tasting is over.

Look for gifts for her for Christmas with a difference. The world of wine is a vast one, just waiting to be discovered. If you love wine, try and get her interested too. Once she has had a few glasses of your best vintage, there is a good chance she will come around to your way of thinking. If she already likes wine then you’re in luck. There are dozens of innovative Christmas presents for her that incorporate wine.

Men like to suggest that women gossip a lot and are generally nosy when in fact, Christmas presents for boyfriends that revolve around spying gadgets will be as gratefully received as Xmas presents for boyfriends involving football. Christmas presents that consist of gadgets are an ideal solution to your festive gift dilemma. Men like to play with fancy new toys and also enjoy finding out dirt on their neighbour. It’s human nature to be curious/invasive and with spy gadgets, your man can act like a secret agent for the day. Just make sure he does not get caught as Christmas presents should not involve getting into trouble with the law. Invasion of privacy is serious and a clear line must be drawn between having fun and disturbing someone’s peace and quiet.

The iSpy Digital Camera Binoculars should keep your man occupied and its extra features will ensure he is far too busy enjoying himself to worry about spying on other people’s activities. Traditionally, Christmas presents for boyfriends involving binoculars usually means his girlfriend is inviting him to be a Peeping Tom. However, these iSpy Binoculars are a little bit different. They still have the basic function which allows him to observe things from faraway but it also takes digital camera quality pictures. This could be the perfect ideas as long as he doesn’t use it to blackmail someone! This is one of those Xmas presents for boyfriends that should help him get a better view of local sporting events, wildlife and sightseeing. Hopefully, he will resist the temptation to start clicking where he is not wanted!

Other Xmas presents that will help him in his quest to become a secret agent is the Wireless Mini CCTV Camera With Audio. Once your boyfriend adds a TV or DVD player, he will be good to go. As the Mini CCTV Camera is only 3 cm x 2 cm, it can be hidden just about anywhere. It has a colour lens and a tiny microphone that can pick up any sounds in the area. The camera can be placed between 60-100 metres away from the TV monitor and still work effectively though its ability to monitor images is affected by walls. This is a gift that offers unlimited possibilities. Your man could stroll through work with it and uncover a few shocking truths or you could use it to keep an eye on a small child. Remember, audio recording is actually illegal in many workplaces so tread carefully. This camera could also be used against you so perhaps you should think twice before buying it!

The Super Spy Listening Device is yet another present idea that can help him eavesdrop on people. Again, it is probably not a great idea to encourage your boyfriend to spy on people, especially you, but it can be a fun gadget when used for the right purposes. This is a tiny device that can be hidden anywhere. Try emulating spy movies and hiding it in a potted plant. It can overhear conversations from around 30 metres away. Your boyfriend should test it out to see how well it works. One problem with this present is that you’ll have to be careful about what you say. You’ll never know when he is listening. This is a good gift idea for girlfriends who are not paranoid.

Choose presents that give your boyfriend a thrill. Allow him to feel like James Bond or Jason Bourne for a day. Spy gadgets can add some excitement to his life, especially if he is stuck in the archetypal dead end job. As long as he behaves himself and promises not to use your gift against you, Christmas presents that involve spying equipment should be a lot of fun. Besides, if you get your hands on the gear, perhaps you can turn the tables.

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